A world where every child, woman, and man feels Free, Strong, Clear, Playful, and Full of Energy. And what if I told you, You could help create That World?
Hi. I’m Ulrike Selleck, Healing Voice Expert, and author of Sing Yourself Well in 7 Seconds.
There’s a missing puzzle piece to our health and happiness. We carry it inside us all the time … almost no one knows how powerful it is… and only a lucky few have learned how to use it. Until Now.
It’s Our VOICE.
Did you know most of us use only 20% of our full voice and breath? I didn’t either.
What if there’s a link between that and all the major health concerns today? These are all symptoms of a constricted energy!
25 years ago this happened to me. Deepak Chopra told me: If you want to heal, you have to learn to sing, speak up, and express yourself.
Well, I’m not alone. We all need to free our full voice the way it was intended all along: For our own Joy, Health, and Happiness!
After all, do only athletes use their full body? Of course not. We all do.
So why is it that we think only opera singers need to use their full voice?!
I’ve been singing, performing, and teaching this to hundreds of students and clients—privately, in class rooms, and in workshops—and I realized if I wanted the world to know about this missing, and potentially life-saving puzzle piece, I had to go bigger, and I had to do it fast. That’s why I published the book and online course Sing Yourself Well.
It shows:
• Why we often don’t use our full voice
• Why we absolutely MUST
• And How to do it, easily, effectively, in 7 seconds.
Sing Yourself Well
• Is a 7 step system
• Once learned, takes just 7 seconds to practice
• Every time we do it, we manifest the 7 qualities of wellness into our body, all with our own voice.
Now I need your help: To bring this knowledge to the wider public takes time, energy, and money.
There’s a lot of work to be done:
I have to write articles and press releases; strategically design and create videos for the YouTube channel; create transcripts of those videos, so SEO can find it; write a signature talk to take on the road; travel to towns and cities to give talks; write a TED talk to reach a larger audience; connect with bloggers and journalists; contact radio and TV hosts for interviews; give those radio and TV interviews; connect with others in my field and create joint ventures; and finally, design, create, and run facebook ads.
Will you help me make all this happen? I am so happy to do this work. But I need help.
I greatly need your support and investment to spread this important knowledge to the rest of the world.
This knowledge has been buried long enough. It’s time. The world needs your voice. The voice of every child, woman, and man. For our own health and happiness, and for the happiness and peace of our whole planet.
I thank you in advance for your generous donation and your loving support. I feel it and it means the world.