Okay darlin’s…. it’s been a little rocky around these parts…. (shakes head – who TALKS like that?!).

Facebook seemed to be reeling in emotions this week. 5 pet friends of dear friends suddenly died – very sad.

In other words…. It ‘s Venus RETROGRADE.

Now through my birthday, April 15! So buckle up, rest more than usual, and generally take good care of yourself, and each other.

To help you along, I’m sharing my How to Love Yourself video with you today.

Enjoy, take it slow, and as always: Be Well, and Sing Yourself Well!

~ Ulrike

P.S. If you like it, Like it, Leave me a comment, Share it, and Subscribe to my YouTube channel! I’d also love for you to buy my book. Just please wait until 3/14/17, when the new cover is uploaded. Thank you!

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